Simulation Fluid-Structure Interaction between an impinging Water Jet and Bottles on a Quality Line
The simulation of a fluid-structure interaction between an impinging water jet and bottles on a quality line can be performed with NOGRID points CFD software.
In this FSI (Fluid-Structure-Interaction) simulation bottles, modeled as rigid bodies, are on a conveyor belt. At a certain time step a fluid starts to flow out of a nozzle and hits a bottle and moves the bottle from the conveyor belt. All bottles which are not "shot" by the impinging fluid jet continue to move undisturbed. The individual rigid bodies can collide with each other and change their direction of movement and rotation. The time at which the impinging jet is fired is of course chosen by the User in that way, that the defect bottle is hit, i.e. there is no automatic quality control.
The fluid-rigid body interaction simulated in this study is solved fully coupled with the Lagrangian method. Fully coupled means that the motion (translation and rotation) of the bottles (= the rigid bodies) and the fluid variables for velocity and pressure are solved simultaneously in a large solution matrix (no iterative switching back and forth between the solution variables necessary).
In engineering, this fluid-structure coupling (FSI = Fluid-Structure Interaction) refers to the consideration of the mutual influence of moving, not necessarily rigid bodies and a flow. The interaction between fluid flow and bodies occurs in many physical applications. The free impinging jet flow causes both displacement and rotation of the defect bottle due to the forces and torques exerted by the liquid on the body. Conversely, the movement of the bottle causes changes in the flow. If the flow also changes due to the structure, there is a so-called real, two-sided fluid-rigid-body coupling. If several rigid bodies are involved, the movement of one body can of course also be influenced by collisions with other bodies.
As with any rigid body in the FS coupling, the bottles in this simulation are assigned a weight and a mass moment of inertia. The rigid body thus behaves in accordance with the forces acting on it from the fluid. Conversely, of course, the flow is also influenced by the rigid bodies.
NOGRID points can be perfectly used for designing and problem solving for all kinds of FSI processes. NOGRID points helps to understand the flow by being able to compute and visualize the mass, momentum and motion of single and multiple rigid bodies. You receive transient values with which you can analyze and evaluate the efficiency of the components or processes.
NOGRID unites abilities to handle free surface flow and moving parts in the domain and allows the simulation of any conceivable geometry and operation modes such as
- computation is in full 3D solving complete Navier-Stokes-Equations
- easy and intuitive setup also for FSI (Fluid-Structure Interaction) cases
- free definable material properties by equations or curves
- evaluation of chemical reactions and corresponding heat source terms
- open or closed domains including inflow and outflow areas (non-batch mode)
- moving of parts
Nogrid's strengths
Easy and fast modelling: Build geometry, mesh boundary, setup the case and start computation
What is CFD from NOGRID?
CFD solves the fundamental equations that define the fluid flow process. With CFD software from NOGRID every engineer makes better decisions by predicting, analyzing and controlling fluid flow, heat and mass transfer or chemical reaction. By using NOGRID software for flow modeling you receive information on essential flow characteristics as for example flow distribution. Using it additional to testing and experimentation NOGRID software helps to improve the evaluation of your design – resulting in better construction and operation parameters, increasing planning security and money savings due to faster time to the marketplace for your product or process.
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