NOGRID points computes the real glass flow and temperature distribution in the complete flat glass forming area. It is also possible to perform the flat glass rolling process completely in 3D. Comparisons with various experimental data have shown the high precision of the simulation of this intricate flow process. The short computation time allows our customers incorporating the simulation into the design process to find an optimal design, which saves time and effort in the design phase and increases product quality.
Simulation Glass Rolling of Flat Glass
The simulation of glass rolling of flat glass can perfectly be performed with our CFD software NOGRID points. In the flat glass industry glass sheets are often produced by pouring the glass between two rollers, which are responsible for giving the sheet the final thickness. Due to the cold rollers the glass viscosity is decreasing and the glass behind the rollers is almost inherently stable. The movie in figure 4 shows a glass rolling process (the geometry was published by G. Nölle: Technik der Glasherstellung, 1997). The color represents the temperature. The inlet temperature is increasing with time; thus it appears that the glass sheet becomes more instable after a while.
Our software is able to predict such effects and helps designers to find the right speed for their flat glass rolling processes. Beside the normal flow with Newton's viscous law NOGRID points is also able to run the computation with non-Newtonian materials (also viscoelastic material behavior is included).
- computation is in full 3D solving complete Navier-Stokes-Equations
- easy and intuitive setup of the FSI (Fluid-Structure-Interaction) case
- free definable material properties by equations or curves,
- moving parts with a lot of moving features
- open or closed domains including moving of additional parts
- computation of temperature transport in the solid rollers and in the fluid
Nogrid's strengths

Easy and fast modelling: Build geometry, mesh boundary, setup the case and start computation
What is CFD from NOGRID?
CFD solves the fundamental equations that define the fluid flow process. With CFD software from NOGRID every engineer makes better decisions by predicting, analyzing and controlling fluid flow, heat and mass transfer or chemical reaction. By using NOGRID software for flow modeling you receive information on essential flow characteristics as for example flow distribution. Using it additional to testing and experimentation NOGRID software helps to improve the evaluation of your design – resulting in better construction and operation parameters, increasing planning security and money savings due to faster time to the marketplace for your product or process.
With NOGRID, you choose professional CFD software and services – our aim is helping you to be successful. When you decide to work with NOGRID you choose close cooperation with a dynamic, flat hierarchies-organization. Short information channels result in quick and accurate professional support and service. Our team consists of highly qualified employees, who are experts in fields such as numerical simulation or computational fluid dynamics. Based on our know-how, we are pleased to offer the following services, responding to your individual requirements:
In our two-days training courses you will learn, how to use NOGRID CFD software efficiently. Our technical support team will teach you how to handle and solve different cases.
For more details please refer to Training Courses →
Technical Support
We offer full professional support from the minute you start using our software, by telephone or by email. Contact us, when ever needed.
For more details please refer to Software Support →
Lack of time or resources and other constraints often make outsourcing an attractive solution. We help you with your flow modeling needs. Based on our engineering expertise in this field we offer individual numerical simulation services matching the unique needs of your organization.
For more details please refer to Simulation Services →